My Little Garden 07th may 2022
I was very relieved on returning from a trip to Scotland last weekend, to find that all was well in the garden. Younger son, with a little help from enthusiastic granddaughters, had done an excellent job with the watering duties, and not only did I have tulips still flourishing, but lots of new flowers had come into bloom too.
We visited some fabulous gardens in Scotland, and heard tales of the trials and tribulations of the various B&B owners that we stayed with, including the couple in Durness who waged a constant battle against high jumping sheep that could easily clear a stone wall to feed on goodies in the garden. And where one sheep goes ………
I always think that I would like a much bigger garden, and I really do, but at least mine is densely planted with only slugs and snails to worry about.
The first of my ‘six’ this week has to be the clematis and the first were in full bloom last weekend. There’s such variety with clematis: they come in just about every size, shape and colour, from the rampant Montana (header shot) to the demure elegance of :
- Miss Bateman
Currently climbing up the side of the new swing seat, Miss B has white flowers with just a hint of a green stripe when the flowers first open. She’s much better behaved than Montana which I almost destroyed a couple of years ago to extract a rotten piece of trellis.
2. Camassia
I tried to grow these in a pot a couple of years ago, but after two springs they gave up. I really like them though, so I cleared a space especially for them in a suitable corner.
3. New Tree
This year’s tree purchase is Sorbus vilmorinii. Aren’t its new leaves just beautiful!
4. Tulips
Well of course there had to be tulips didn’t there. City of Vancouver has now joined Ronaldo and Green Wave and definitely improves the mix. Now if I’d had a pale pink variety in the mix and less of Green Wave, I think I would have been a lot happier.
5. Rhododendron
I never thought I’d have a rhododendron in the mix, but this one was lurking at the back of the old arbour which has now been replaced by a swing seat, giving the area a lot more light. It’s quite a nice colour which must have been what attracted me to it about 15–20 years ago.
6. Rose
And I have to finish with good old Gertie who rarely lets me down by being the first rose to produce a flower every May.
So there we are, back to blogging after my little absence last week. It’s the youngest granddaughter’s third birthday today so I’m off to a party later, hoping for jelly and ice cream and a round of pass the parcel.
I’ll be catching up with the rest of your gardening progress on twitter via #SixonSaturday and The Propagator’s blog.
Have a good weekend!