My Little Garden 11th Sept 2021
I remember the 9th September 2001 very well. I was sitting in an office in Cheadle Royal, where Concorde would frequently skim the roof en route to Manchester Airport, and like so many people around the world, watched the horror unfold on screen.
So much has happened since that day, and it’s hard to believe that 20 years have gone by. I changed jobs in 2003 and loved the new challenge despite the fact that it was still in an office. In fact, I stayed for nine whole years until redundancy gave me the opportunity to change course completely in 2012. During these years, my boys grew up, went off to university (and came home again), and now I’m granny to four girls and dabbling in garden design, writing and photography. I had no more thoughts about writing a weekly blog in those days than I did about what it would be like to live through a global pandemic. And as to knowing the difference between an Aster macrophyllus and a Eurybia x herveyi ……
But here we are, after almost a week of scorching September sunshine, and I’m thinking about what to include in this week’s choice of six. And looking forward to reading the other blogs and admiring the many fabulous photos on twitter of course.
You might need sunglasses for this first photo!
- Colour clashing
Now I don’t mind a bit of colour clashing, but this really is too much. I quite like the bright pink of the Pelargoniumon on it’s own, but the poppies were part of a mystery seed mix that didn’t really work in my two large rectangular containers. More on that disaster at a later date.
2. Not so dazzling dahlia
Veronnes Obsidian is one of my favourite dahlias and it has grown beautifully this year and battled successfully against the slug army.
But, I planted it in the wrong location for such a dark flower and it just blends into the green background. Fortunately the zinnias are now saving the day.
3. Very dazzling zinnia
And talking of zinnias, I have pink ones
And orange ones - as unplanned a combination as the pelargoniums and poppies! Sometimes I think I should go back to the world of insurance and write articles on risk management again.
4. Another aster
This one hasn’t changed it’s name and is still Aster × frikartii 'Mönch' unless someone tells me otherwise.
5. Rudbeckia
I’m trying out the Goldsturm in new locations by moving the container around.
It works nicely with the purple of one of the other asters so it may get planted permanently here for next year.
6. Cosmos
Stalwarts of the September garden with my rusty poppies helping to hold them up.
And that concludes this week’s selection from my little garden. We’ve been promised rain here for the last two days but barely any has fallen so I suspect watering duties may be required.
For a peek into more adventures in the gardening world, take a look at the #sixonsaturday hastag on twitter as well as the blog of The Propagator who’s in charge of this weekly event.
Thank you for reading and have a great weekend.