My Little Garden 12th Oct 2024
The changes in the garden are happening daily now that we are tumbling headlong into the depths of autumn. The colours are bold and bright: something to be enjoyed before the leaves and flowers fall, and the first frosts start the process of decay.
I planted a few more bulbs yesterday. I’ve been given some rather exciting erythronium bulbs, but I don’t want to tempt fate by telling you too much about them, in case they fail miserably. I already have ‘Pagoda’ and ‘White Beauty’ which are very happy in my soil, so in theory, they have a good chance of success. Fingers crossed!
The really exciting event of the week, though, was seeing the Northern Lights from the garden, so I can’t resist including it as one of my six choices. Here we go:
- Colours in the sky
It was just amazing to see the Northern Lights in the heart of suburbia.
2. Colours in the garden
I bought Hamamelis ‘Jelena’ last year when it was in flower, so this is the first autumn to enjoy the change of leaf colour.
3. Prunus Kojo-no-mai
The leaves are very red now.
4. Cornus Midwinter Fire
The leaves turn a lovely buttery yellow before the stem colour takes on the role of providing the winter interest. A stage to be enjoyed.
5. Geraniums
Rozanne is still going strong and ‘Ann Thomson’ is trying to get in the photo.
6. Aster frikartii ‘Monch’
I bought a new plant on a whim a few weeks ago, having ‘lost’ my original one to either the weather or the slugs or both. Shall I keep it in a pot until spring? What do you think?
And another six has been achieved. What will next week bring, I wonder.
Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading.