My Little Garden 15th August 2020
This week my sunflower (aka the beanstalk) almost made it into flower for Six on Saturday. I’m sure it will be fabulous when it does finally flower but as I had to get the stepladder out to take this, I just wish it would stop growing skywards.
It’s been a really hot week here, and although thunderstorms and torrential rain were predicted, not much of it has happened ….. perhaps we had more than our fair share in July up north. I have been watering the garden and especially the pots, on a daily basis, accompanied by constant mutterings from the husband about water meters. He has been ignored as always. The garden has the feel of late summer now with the roses blooming happily again and the asters coming along nicely. And it still feels like there’s plenty of colour to come.
So, what to choose for my Six on Saturday this week…..
1.This is a lovely little aster that I bought last year from the nursery at Bluebell Cottage Gardens. I first saw it in the gardens at Dunham Massey and the seedheads are almost as pretty as the flowers. This is great because it extends the season of interest well into autumn and beyond. I’m so pleased with it that I’ve just bought a couple more, but they are very small at present so probably won’t do much until next year.
2. I also bought a dahlia from a local supermarket this week. I’ve no idea what it’s called but it’s very pretty. What I really want is some Star Dahlias - Honka Yellow and Verrone’s Obsidian would be good so I need to work out where I can put them and make sure I order tubers in time next year.
3. The Thalictrum is looking very beautiful and is just as hard to photograph as it was last week.
4. This is a plant I bought for the foliage but it should have pale lavender coloured flowers in late summer / early autumn. Ignore the purple currently in the background- Rozanne gets everywhere. It’s common name is Japanese Aster and I’m intrigued to see what the flowers are actually like.
5. The first Red Admiral of the year has been spotted feasting on the buddleja and there have also been Small Tortoiseshells, Holly Blues and lots of Large and Small Whites around. Still no Painted Ladies though and I suspect they might be missing this year.
6. And I’ll finish where I started last week with the lovely Gaura. It looks to be struggling with the heat at times but then recovers and just gets on with it….. a bit like us gardeners really.
And that’s my Six On Saturday for this week. Hopefully I can share a fully opened sunflower in seven days time!
Links to lots more ‘sixes’ can be found on the blog of The Propagator who is the creator of this weekly collection, and there are many more excellent photos and blogs on twitter under the hashtag #SixonSaturday
Wishing you a great weekend from lockdown Greater Manchester.