My Little Garden 17th September 2022
There have been so many butterflies around in the garden this week. For most of the summer it’s been various sizes of white ones along with lots of tiny Holly Blues, but they’ve suddenly appeared in huge numbers in the September sunshine. Ok, the word ‘huge’ is probably a slight exaggeration, but I’ve had Small Copper, Red Admiral, Commas and even a bedraggled Speckled Wood. Sadly no sighting of Painted Ladies since back in June, but maybe next year.
If you’re thinking that this week’s Six On Saturday is all about the butterflies though, you’d be wrong. Inspired by a some recent posts of @frdvil on twitter I’ve decided to make this week’s ‘six’, all about leaves. I don’t normally do this while there are still plenty of flowers around, but I’ll post more flowers from #mylittlegarden on twitter tomorrow.
- Tetrapanax
I mentioned in my blog last week, that I had been given a Tetrapanax. It’s only going to live in #mylittlegarden on a short term basis but whilst it’s here, I want to enjoy it’s beautiful leaves.
Just look at this little baby leaf emerging. Ok, not the best picture but isn’t it lovely.
And this is the new leaf a few days later
2. Smoke bush
The cotinus is lovely all through the summer and autumn, and at the moment it has just a tinge of red, promising great things to come.
3. Viburnum
I don’t remember ‘Charles Lamont’ having such pretty red markings on it’s leaves in September before. And there are a few flowers that really shouldn’t be here yet.
4. Tree
Back in spring I acquired a new tree for the garden. Sorbus vilmorinii has beautiful pinnate foliage which contrasts perfectly with the red stems of the new growth. There are no berries this year, but I have high hopes for 2023. A lovely tree for a small garden.
5. Persicaria
‘Purple Fantasy’ can be a bit of pint sized thug, popping up in places that you don’t want to see it. But, it’s dealt well with the hot summer, and I’m glad of its gap filling potential.
6. Salvia
A few weeks ago, I lamented about the probably demise of Salvia ‘Black and Blue’. But here it is in mid September with just a hint of a flower. Fingers are crossed!
And that’s my leafy Six on Saturday. It’s the husbands sixth fifth birthday tomorrow and we have a family gathering planned: hopefully the weather will be kind.
Thank you for reading and please check out all the other #sixonsaturday blogs on twitter including The Propagator himself.
Have a great weekend.