My Little Garden 23rd March 2024
Spring arrived this week. On Wednesday, it was the Spring Equinox when the length of day and night are the same, after which the days start to get warmer and longer for us lot in the northenhemisphere. Well, that’s the theory anyway, and I did at least get half a day of gardening in a T Shirt this week. If my mother was still around she’d be talking about vests and clouts and waiting until May was out, but I never did pay attention, and it was delightfully warm.
On another day this week, when, surprise, surprise, it was raining again, I finished making the new mini border around the stone circle. More about that next week or this would be Seven on Saturday, and these are my six choices for the third week of March.
- Tulip ‘Attila Graffiti’
The first of the year.
2. Snakeshead fritillary
I love the intricate pattern on the petals, and for the first time, there are white ones in the clump.
3. Leucojum ‘Gravetye Giant’
The snowdrops are long over, and now it’s turn of the snowflakes.
4. Muscari ‘Grape Ice’
I spotted this variety at Dunham Massey last year and really wanted some for my garden.
5. Narcissus Actaea
This lovely scented variety started to flower earlier this week.
6. Chionodoxa ‘Pink Giant’.
With a random blue muscari lurking in the middle.
Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading.