My Little Garden 25th March 2023
Over the course of the last week, everything in the garden has shot up and, in the case of the early spring bloomers, into flower. The daffodils that did battle with huge hailstones a short while ago have bounced back, and the combination of rain and sunshine has prompted some of the lazier plants to make an effort. In a nutshell, spring has finally sprung.
My Mothering Sunday outing to Cholmondeley Castle was a great success. Lots of photos were taken, and if the weather wasn’t as perfect as forecast, at least it didn’t rain. Tomorrow I’m off to a Plant Fair at Arley Hall, which is another of my favourite gardens, and plant purchases may be made. It would be rude not to.
Choosing six things this week was easy, but as I took the photos on Wednesday, they are already out of date, because more growth has occurred.
- Daffs
You can just see little specks of blue with these Tête-à-tête. I’m sure they weren’t there at all last week, but now they are fully flowering Chionodoxa.
2. Hellebore of the week
A speckled yellow hybrid with a few decorative raindrops.
3. Camellia
Brushfield’s Yellow I believe.
4. Scilla
I need lots more of these for next year. Blue and yellow are the perfect colours for March.
5. Rose
This is a little ground cover rose called ‘Cutie Pie’ that I bought from Farmer Gracy. Actually I bought three but this one is showing the best growth.
6. Egg
My two pots of early December planted tulips have shown no signs of growth unlike all the others, so I had a prod and sadly discovered mushy bulbs. So annoying, and it’s never happened to me before. What I also found was this perfectly planted egg. I think it’s usually foxes that do this, but it must have been a very neat and tidy fox as the compost wasn’t disturbed.
Last week, I mentioned the Starship Robots that deliver from our corner shop, and we decided it would be fun to put in an order when all the granddaughters were here after school on Thursday. They were super excited, but despite scheduling the delivery earlier in the day, it took ages to arrive because the route it takes is the scenic one. A five minute walk for us turned into an hour for the robot because it can only cross the road at certain places. You can choose the song you want it to play when it arrives, so we picked Bare Necessities from Jungle Book. I’m not sure the robot took aware our worries and our strife, but it was certainly entertaining.
For more tales of the garden, without the robots, head to Jim’s blog and the #sixonsaturday hashtag on Twitter.
Have a great weekend.