My Little Garden 5th Oct 2024
There have been two days of glorious weather to mark the start of October this week, and I’ve been making the most of the autumn sunshine.
Bulbs have been planted (mostly muscari and narcissi), and I’ve started to clear away a lot of the debris from around the plants. Normally, I wouldn’t be too fastidious about this, but I don’t want to leave anywhere for the slugs to hide after all the problems they’ve caused this year.
Now that autumn is most definitely here, I’m concerned that some of the asters are yet to flower. Will they or won’t they, I wonder. In their absence, here are my six for this week,
- Begonia
This is the begonia that I feel looks very much like a fried egg. It’s redeeming feature is that its flowered all summer, but I’m still not keen.
2. Kalimeris
I probably (definitely) share this perennial in autumn every year because it is such a reliable late flowerer. It is also very easy to divide, impossible to kill and ignored by the slugs and snails. What’s not to like! Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’ in the background.
3. Fuchsia
‘Delta’s Sarah’ is staging a comeback after being neglected when I was away in August. There are lots of buds, and hopefully, they will open in the next couple of weeks.
4. Sedum
I’ve had a couple of Red Admiral butterfly visitors this week but haven’t managed to get a photo.
5. Grass
A second sharing of Pennisetum ‘Flamingo’. It’s taken all summer to show its fluffy plumes, but it’s worth the wait.
6. Autumn leaves
The amelanchier is on the turn. Don’t you just love autumn colours.
Hopefully, I can manage to share this blog from my hotel in Lakes with slightly dodgy WiFi. If not, it will be a late six on Saturday.
Have a great weekend.