My Little Garden 8th May 2021
I really don’t want to moan about the weather, after all we were desperate for some rain, but when it came last Monday it was torrential. The last of the daffodils got a battering and the poor tulips really struggled to cope. And this morning it’s chucking it down again, which doesn’t exactly fill me with joy.
Making an effort to look on the bright side though, the “Bee Friendly” seeds I sowed outside are germinating, so we just need the sunshine back and a bit of warmth…. asap please!
Whilst waiting for spring to return, I’ve had another busy week, with a very pleasant foray to Bluebell Cottage Gardens on Wednesday to collect plants for jobs over the next week. One of my purchases this time was Anemone ‘Frilly Knickers’ which was winner of the HTA virtual plant awards in 2020. With a name like that it’s going to be a talking point in a client’s newly planted perennial border, and I may just have got an extra one for me too. No pictures yet obviously, as it will only flower in summer, but in the images I’ve seen, it’s beautifully frilly.
I also spent an hour at RHS Bridgewater on Thursday at a “Test Event" for the shop and cafe prior to the gardens opening in two weeks time. And of course I’ve booked my ticket for a garden visit too. It’s so exciting to have a new local garden to explore.
From big gardens to little ones and back to reality in my own garden. The next phase of garden action is ‘almost’ happening, but tulips are the first of my six choices for this week.
- Tulips
The mid season tulips are ‘almost’ past their best for this year and some have stood up better to the wind and rain than others.
I’m really pleased with Tulipa ‘Flaming Spring Green’. I’ve always liked this tulip and it’s provisionally on the list again for next year.
It works very nicely with Tulipa ‘Jan Reus’.
And Tulipa ‘Virichic’ in the containers has been a sensation.
I’ll save the later ones (Spring Green, Greenland and Golden Artist) until next week when they should be in their prime. Tulips deserve several weeks of top billing for a Six on Saturday selection.
2. Alliums
The alliums are ‘almost’ flowering. This is Allium basalticum ‘Silver Springs’ about to pop it’s wrapping.
3. Aquilegia
The first of the aquilegas is also ‘almost’ ready to grace us with it’s presence. I’ve had this one for years and it never fails to disappoint.
4. Cirsium
Now this plant on the other hand seems a bit impatient to have it’s day in the spotlight. I bought it last year and unlike the aquilegia, it was a bit of a disappointment (or maybe my expectations for a baby plant were too high). Anyway, I didn’t think it was supposed to be flowering at the same as the tulips!
5. Centaurea
Now here’s a reliable old friend that always flowers when it’s supposed to. It will then fade into oblivion behind Geranium ‘Red Admiral’ whose leaves you can see in the background.
6. Phlox ‘Clouds of Perfume’
I was fully expecting this plant to be putting on a decent show this week but it’s another one in the ‘almost’ category. Let’s hope it’s going to try harder in the next few days.
And that’s it for another week. I’m off for my second Covid vaccination shortly and will catch up with the other blogs when I’m back.
If you want to find out what’s happening elsewhere around the gardening world, take a look at the blog of The Propagator who is the creator of this weekly collection. And as always there are many more excellent photos and blogs on twitter under the hashtag #SixonSaturday
Have a great gardening weekend!