My Little Garden in Week 12 of Lockdown
This week against a background of #BlackLivesMatter and the bumblings of Boris I have been working on a planting plan for a local garden makeover. Most of the time, I order and collect the plants myself, but as my client is unable to carry out much of her own work at present, we are creating this garden together. As I write, she is happily plant shopping online, and what better way to spend a wet and windy afternoon.
I have also had a rather expensive trip to the audiologist this week. It was all very organised but the rules that have to be followed at the moment mean that they can only see one patient an hour, even if a procedure only takes 5 minutes. And as the restrictions still in place mean they cannot carry out many standard procedures, I think I’m destined to be partially deaf for some months to come.
But apart from that, and the fact that I would have to ditch the husband in order to be single and ‘eligible’ to see half of my grandchildren in a ‘bubble’, all is well…..
So what’s been happening in my little garden this week. Here are my six choices for the second week in June.
1.Allium Christophii is proving very popular with the bees. I definitely need more of these next year as they last so much longer than the Purple Sensation. I have taken photos of an area where I specifically want to plant the bulbs in autumn because I’m sure I’ll forget by then.
2. The flowers are almost out on this Penstemon hartwegii ‘Firebird’ aka Penstemon ‘Schoenholzen’ that I bought at the flower show at Arley last year. It was a bit of an impulse buy as I don’t usually go for red but it’s a beauty. I didn’t take any cuttings last year which was a bit remiss of me, but it survived the mild winter with no problem.
3. And the flowers are definitely out on this red valerian. I’m pretty sure I never intentionally planted it but it’s a very persistent plant. Lots of colour clashing going on in this part of the garden which needs sorting out.
4. Last week it was the turn of the red astrantia to feature in the blog but this week it’s a shaggy story. This is a lovely plant and very photogenic even if this isn’t the best shot. My excuse is that it was extremely windy when I was taking photos.
5. Now this is an interesting little dwarf Verbascum that had a bad case of fasciation last year. I’ve no idea what caused it but it seems to be back to it’s normal self again. And that’s Geranium ‘Ann Folkhard’ loitering in the background.
6. And my final offering of the week is a favourite geranium. It’s coming to the end of it’s flowering time for this year but, as always, it’s been incredibly popular with the bees. Happily for them there are other flowers to take it’s place.
And that is my Six On Saturday for this week. I hope you’ve enjoyed a quick look at my garden highlights and for more ‘sixes’ take a look at the site of the creator of this weekly collection. His Six on Saturday is always an excellent read and there are many more photos and blogs on twitter under the hashtag #SixonSaturday
Have a great weekend!